Gourmet Sausages at Astons!
We are now serving sausages from "Butcher House"
The Round $9.50 is a XL snail with 2 sides
The Sampler $12.50 gives you a selection of 4 different sausages
As always, Astons gives you Quality and Value!
We are now serving sausages from "Butcher House"
The Round $9.50 is a XL snail with 2 sides
The Sampler $12.50 gives you a selection of 4 different sausages
As always, Astons gives you Quality and Value!
the sausages are shiok! but the grand sampler is super sized and it'd take a really good appetite to finish it! recommend to order as a sharing dish among friends. =]
do we need to order in advance for wagyu beef ?
I went downt o Astons Katong,h opingt o enjoy a nice Dinner with 6 of my friends, But The Attitude and the service that I get from the Staffs there is enough to tell myselfa nd all my friends NEVER to Patronize Astons EVER AGAIN.
I was Queing up as per normal with my Girlfriend,as my other friends werei n Church having Mass.We told the staff that there will be 6 of Us, andt hat my friends will be there in awhile,abt 10 mins or so.After Queing
in 2 cars,everybody has to come at the same time,and that they have to make sure that there isn o traffic Jam, ori n this cas
e that the pastor don't conduct Mass longer than usual.As the staffs came and talk to us, there are ppl staring at us wondering what we have done wrong that we havet o be chased out of the cafe. The best part of it all is that I was told by ( I think is the supervisor/captain) that priority are given to people who queue. Didin't I stand in line to have my dinner there? Is that the way to chase your customers? I know that there are quite a few ppl waiting in line, but I also saw a few empty tables.YOu may think that losing 6 customers is no big deal,a s you have alot of other customers, but I am surew ith your standards of servicea nd attitude of your staffs, it's only a matter of time. And with the Government trying hard to improved the service standards,you guys SUCKS big time.
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